Stamp of Approval

Get the AMWASA Stamp of Approval today!

Are you an author seeking to ensure your work aligns with Islamic values and promotes a positive portrayal of Islam? Our AMWASA Stamp of Approval service is here to help. We offer a comprehensive beta reading service for books that accurately represent Islam, its teachings, and cultural perceptions.

What We Approve:

  • Positive Cultural Change: Books that drive positive cultural change and are driven by characters’ faith.
  • Respectful Content: Stories that are unapologetically Muslim, free from foul language, explicit intimate scenes, and non-Shariah-compliant content.

Benefits of the AMWASA Stamp of Approval:

For Authors:

  • Featured Listings: Approved books will be listed on our website and advertised on our social media platforms.
  • Bookshop Promotion*: Your book will be promoted to independent bookshops, enhancing its visibility and sales potential. (*Applies to exclusive distribution projects only)
  • Official Recognition: Receive an official Certificate of Approval and a digital sticker to use on your book, website, or promotional materials.

We work with large publishers, self-publishers, authors, and editors locally and internationally. Note that this is not an editing service; manuscripts should have undergone multiple rounds of editing before submission.

For Readers:

  • Quality Assurance: Books with the AMWASA Stamp of Approval are suitable for practising Muslims, free from inappropriate content, and positively portray Islam.
  • Peace of Mind: Rest assured that books approved through the Stamp of Approval programme have thoroughly been vetted using the following criteria.

Criteria for Approval:

Books are scored out of 12 (or 13 for non-fiction) based on the following criteria:

  1. Author: Either written by a Muslim author, or an author who values and upholds Muslim teachings and values
  2. Accurate Representation: Portrays Islamic teachings and cultural perceptions accurately.
  3. Positive Change: Promotes positive cultural change.
  4. Faith-Driven Characters: Characters’ faith drives the story.
  5. Positive Portrayal: Consistently portrays Islam positively.
  6. Muslim Identity: Embraces and celebrates Muslim identity.
  7. Respectful Language: Excludes foul language.
  8. Modesty Standards: No explicit intimate scenes, nor the promotion of immodest attire
  9. Shariah Compliance: Aligns with Shariah principles.
  10. Cultural Sensitivity: Respects diverse interpretations within the Muslim community.
  11. Inclusivity: Promotes inclusivity and diverse perspectives.
  12. Appropriate Images: For books aimed at children, animated images on the cover or illustrations should be minimal, functional, age-appropriate, and aligned with Islamic principles.
  13. Proper References: For non-fiction, references must adhere to the standards of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah.

Submission Process:

  • Complete Manuscripts: Must be fully edited, proofread, and include completed illustrations.
  • Final Cover: Both the book and the final cover should be submitted.
  • Non-fiction: Must include full references where applicable.
  • Fee: A fee is payable per title (international rates available upon request). If a book is not approved, a brief report will be provided. Authors can rectify issues and resubmit or claim a 50% refund.
  • International authors are welcome to submit! You will receive an email with PayPal payment details.

Submit your book for approval and join a growing community of authors committed to promoting quality, Islamic content.

Testimonial: “Jazakallah to AMWASA for the smooth approval process. The AMWASA Stamp of Approval on my book cover adds credibility to my work. Parents can rest assured my young adult romance series, Salaam2Soulm8, is appropriate for their children. I feel more confident in my work, and I highly recommend this service to all authors. It’s the future of Muslim fiction!” — Tasneem Gaffoor, Author of Zahra and Yaseen

Submit your book today and let AMWASA help you showcase your work with confidence and integrity.